United by their mutual passion for baking, Lisa and Jeff began Brazen Baking in 2015. Two children and thousands of loaves later, Brazen has become part of the family……

Lisa began baking as soon as she was tall enough to reach the kitchen counter in her North Carolina childhood home. Early lessons were taught by her mother, grandmother and aunts. She traveled a winding road as a field archaeologist, with interspersed work in restaurants and bakeries. She helped establish the Village Bakehouse in Saxapahaw, NC.

Jeff began bread making commercially at Pearl Bakery in Portland, OR in 2003. The scents and rhythms of production baking got into his blood. Bread has remained a primary focus whilst adventuring and working as a cook, chef, food service director, and baking instructor. Upon moving to Maine, Jeff discovered a local grain revival and, ultimately, the love of his life, when he met Lisa at the Kneading Conference in 2014.